Saturday, September 10, 2005

Renaissance Man

I have a story to tell.

If you are interested in technologies, you WILL be interested in this. If you are not - don't bother to read further. Only Geeks need apply.

In this age of specialists, particularly in the worlds of technology and innovation, the Renaissance Man (or Woman) seems to have fallen by the wayside. Technology people seem to be website designers, or graphics artists, or audio technicians, or programmers, or hardware experts. But few are all of those.

I'm one.

This isn't a story of a "smart guy". When it comes to intelligence I am average at best. Lousy memory, scattered thinking, easily distracted.

So why aren't there more people who succeed as generalists in technologies? Because they don't try.

Why don't they try? Lack of confidence? Or perseverance? Opportunity?

I'm here to tell you how you can learn and apply any of these skills if you only want to. I hope you enjoy the journey.

I won't post often, but I hope to give you what I didn't have (or didn't seek) - someone to lead the way to success. I'll do it by telling you and showing you some of the thorniest learnings I've made over the past few years - and hopefully to show you the easier path.

And why? Because we need more Renaissance People, more polymathes. Are you one?

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So who am I?

Average Joe. You can call me Steve.

As of this writing I'm 51 years old and live in Southern California. Not from here, but like it here.

I am wondrously married to the Love of My Life. Her name is Shirley - I call her Shirl.

My day job is as an executive for one of the country's largest banking organizations. Something I've done for over 30 years now. I've never worked in any field of technology, but I've been a Geek since I saw my first Pong game, circa 1968.

I am self-taught in the following disciplines:

.Net application development - excellent (please forgive the lack of humility)
Database design - very good
Graphics art - good
Audio design - fair
Website design - good

During the past 6 years I have learned, or honed my skills in, technologies that were needed to develop and sell a software sports simulation. After meeting that first, very important hurdle (completing & selling something that I wrote), I knew that I could do more; better.

Today I am in development of a software tool that teaches anyone to excel at one of today's most entertaining and popular games. Release date scheduled for early 2007. VERY exciting!

If you have ever wished to create, test and market a product that you designed from the ground up, I hope to help guide you on this path we now travel together.

I hope you enjoy the ride.

Copyright 2005-2007 S. E. Krieger - All Rights Reserved

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